Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Apricot - Almond Muesli

1.5kg Rolled Oats
1 cup Honey
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup hot water

Place rolled oats in large bowl.  Mix honey, oil and water together well, then pour over oats.  Mix thoroughly.  Allow to sit for 10 minutes so oats can absorb the liquids.  Toast in over in two large trays.  We toast at ~170 degrees Celsius, checking and stirring every 10 minutes at first but as it dries out you will need to check more often to prevent burning.

When toasted and cooled add:
2 cups desicated or flaked coconut
2 cups sunflower seeds
2 cups chopped almonds
2 cups diced apricots

Mix everything together with the toasted oats and store in a container for future use.  Enjoy!

You could also add sultanas or pecans instead of almonds.  Alternatively add your favorite dried fruit and nuts.

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